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    • rfreeman
      rfreeman replied to the thread Hunter Conditions.
      North side announced as closing at 330 on opening day (tomorrow) having me optimistic for Belt Parkway and Way Out (reportedly now with...
    • rfreeman
      rfreeman reacted to snoloco's post in the thread Belleayre Conditions with Like Like.
      I didn't go on Saturday, but from what I've seen, I think it's a legitimate criticism that they were unprepared for the number of people...
    • rfreeman
      rfreeman replied to the thread Belleayre Conditions.
      Last season I believe they opened TTB with Gondola as well as Hawk open, but conditions were pretty slushy on the bottom part. Certainly...
    • rfreeman
      rfreeman replied to the thread Belleayre Conditions.
      Nice job Belleayre! Figured I was not going to ski til Nov 30 as not worth driving 12 hr r/t for 600 feet of vertical on 2 runs plus a...
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