Hometown USA: Glens Falls, NY

What would be your biggest worry?
How your kids would be affected. You didn't mention how old they are but it can be a big adjustment depending on age.
I moved from PA to SC when my daughter was 6 and my son 4. It wasn't hard for my daughter because she's always been outgoing and makes friends easily. My son was more reserved and there weren't any boys his age close by in the neighborhood so he missed his friends from our old neighbor hood who lived next door and across the the street. For older kids it can be much harder.
How your kids would be affected. You didn't mention how old they are but it can be a big adjustment depending on age.
I moved from PA to SC when my daughter was 6 and my son 4. It wasn't hard for my daughter because she's always been outgoing and makes friends easily. My son was more reserved and there weren't any boys his age close by in the neighborhood so he missed his friends from our old neighbor hood who lived next door and across the the street. For older kids it can be much harder.
Really good point. They are both less than 3 now so I think it will be ok. We are concerned though if we give it a few years and it's not working out, another move might be hard. That's a little scary.
So... my family and I are very close to pulling the trigger on a move from SW Montana, arguably the best ski region in North America after interior BC, though that too is within road tripping distance, to Glens Falls, NY and just wanted to get peoples' insight. Trading alpenglow on the Bridgers for the billowing smoke of Finch Paper might not be the easiest pill to swallow but there are practical reasons (family, friends, affordability, job opportunities, etc.) that seem to make sense at this point in our lives. I identify as a skier and proudly as a NY skier (rep'ing the St. Platty's Day shirt right now) and have enjoyed reading this blog for over decade so I kinda know what I am getting into, but not really. To be honest, Glens Falls became a target more from looking at maps than anything else, a remote spatial analysis exercise so to speak and Covid hasn't made on the ground recon any easier. GF meets the following important criteria:
  • Close to family in the Hudson Valley ✔️
  • Decent schools / close to daycare ✔️
  • Close to significant open space (Adirondack Park) ✔️
  • Ski area with night skiing that I can potentially see from my house ✔️
  • Centrally located to bigger ski areas / BC zones in NY and VT ✔️
  • Youth hockey programs ✔️
  • MTB trails close by ✔️
  • Other summer stuff - lakes/ rivers ✔️
  • Relatively affordable ✔️
On paper things look good and we are excited about the transition. We want to become part of the community and raise our sons there. Will we miss the West at times? Absolutely. Will the trade offs be worth it? Hopefully. The reality is we don't know anyone in Glens Falls and what it is really like living there on a daily basis. What do you all think...?
I would consider moving closer to Saratoga Springs, as we trump GF in almost every way (much better downtown, better school system, SPAC, Skidmore College, better restaurants, Saratoga State Park, ect). As for skiing, there's no real difference in travel between the two (10 minutes).

Good luck!
I agree with those that say Glens Falls/Queensbury is more my style than Saratoga (although I like to visit Saratoga).

if it were me moving I would want to be close to mountain biking, so I’d buy a place within easy riding distance of Gurney (off of West Mountain Road) or the Cole’s Woods area. Something like this would be cool if you want to be close to all the action (mtb, town, skiing, etc.) and still have a bit of space:

Alternatively, if you are more into water, I’d try to get something on one of the lakes that isn’t Lake George or Glen Lake (because those prices have gone to the moon). Maybe something like this if you want to be close to everything:

or, a little further north & closer to Gore, this:

(that one needs work but the location is cool)

Lots of good, relatively cheap spots up that way. Yeah, the taxes suck, but I do think the services & schools that you get for your tax dollars are pretty good in the northeast (as much as everyone likes to shit on them)
After my grandfather passed my grandmother moved to Queensbury, the house in the mountains was simply too much for her to take care of herself. Anyway, she LOVED Queensbury and I certainly liked it whenever we would go up for a visit.
2 cents
I have lived in Queensbury for 60 years. We travel a lot and have often thought of living elsewhere, but when we come home we realize what a great place this is. Recreational opportunities are endless. Something new to do each season. Qby is more spread out than GF. But GF has some cool neighborhoods with older homes that have nice front porches (encourages socialization). Lots of younger families are populating GF now. Covid has dramatically affected the real estate market with the influx of peeps from the City/Jersey moving up and working from home. Montreal, NYC and Boston are under 4 hours from here if you feel the need for a big city fix. Gore, Whiteface, Killington,Stratton, Magic just to name a few are easy drives. Lakes all around, hiking the peaks, mountain biking....
yeah, that’s a great spot. I think I might like to be over towards Whitehall or Fort Anne also if I had a choice where to live, someplace out in the woods with no neighbors
I hear Washington County taxes are pretty high compared to neighboring Counties