Working from Home

I started going in this week, alternating with my cell (cube) mate. Really, it's all about me. My plan is to go in on Monday and Wednesday, and maybe Fridays. I typically jog MWF, and do yoga TTH. However, there's an in person yoga class on Fridays with an instructor that I like, which is my motivator for going in on Fridays.

Two weeks ago, I went to the local farmer's market and was uncomfortable being unmasked around people. I figured that a) I needed to deal with that and b) I needed to learn how to adult after living in barn clothes for over a year. Cornell is expecting everyone to be back on campus in mid-August. I am glad I am transitioning now. There are so many people I haven't seen in so long, that we spend so much time getting caught up. Not much work happened on Monday and Wednesday. I truly enjoyed the peace and quiet on the days I was home.
Currently working from home. 2-3 days in the office would be good. More steps, more of a beehive of activity. I've worn a collared shirt about 4 times in the last 15 months.....used to be every day.

Tirolski, you might like this Rodney Dangerfield joke: "My dad's a workaholic. You mention work and he gets drunk."
I get it.
Used to work.
Still stay busy with projects and hobbies.
It’s a new normal.
Gotta keep moving.
Two birdies on the 2nd and 3rd hardest holes from off the greens got me $50 today.
It wasn’t work, it was luck.