
First warblers today. I kinda sorta cheated and went to a place where Palm warblers always show up. It took me a while to find one, though. There were lots of loud humans enjoying the park. I also got three yellow rumped. Migration is on! (Which sadly means that the black flies are about three weeks behind. :P)
First warblers today. I kinda sorta cheated and went to a place where Palm warblers always show up. It took me a while to find one, though. There were lots of loud humans enjoying the park. I also got three yellow rumped. Migration is on! (Which sadly means that the black flies are about three weeks behind. :p)
Ain't cheatin'
lots of movement going on right now, Louisiana Waterthrush a wood warbler not a thrush the other day
Brown thrasher in its usual spot last night.

This afternoon I went to Mundy Wildflower Garden at Cornell. 21 bird species. Highlights were a bunch of yellow rumped warblers, a single yellow warbler, a yellow bellied sapsucker, nice views of a blue headed vireo and an up close view of a red tailed hawk perched on a branch with a snake snack in its talons. No photos of any of this, you'll just have to believe me.

Yes, there were flowers. Double bloodroot, twin leaf, Virginia bluebells, blue cohosh, trout Lily in bloom and three or four kinds of trillium.