Wild Harvest

You guys are clearly very knowledgeable but would you agree, most people should not forage, especially for mushrooms? I wouldn’t consider eating anything wild I came across other than like blackberries or blueberries.
I agree with you
The wrong mushroom can ruin your day.
Best Case scenario you are a character in Alice in Wonderland worst case scenario you were on the liver transplant list
You guys are clearly very knowledgeable but would you agree, most people should not forage, especially for mushrooms? I wouldn’t consider eating anything wild I came across other than like blackberries or blueberries.
I am not knowleadable (Looks like Rip is). I just know enough to know that I should not mushroom. That said, I do agree with you.

The other thing people should be careful about is burning - you should not burn wood with a vine on it (on the chance it is poison ivy which actually can be deadly if inhaled through smoke) or mountain laurel (also can be deadly on a fire).
I’m not that knowledgeable really, I just have some experience. Didn’t know that about the laurel. I just burned a rhododendron branch the other day. That’s probably bad too. I remember being hesitant to throw it on the fire.

The mushrooms I have experience with are morels, chanterelles, oysters, puffballs, chicken-of-the-woods and maitake. You really can’t mess those up.

This was a maitake starting last week.

And two chickens, just getting going, that I found today.
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Same maitake 25 days later.
View attachment 16139
Do you have any experience with truffles? From time to time I manage to unearth some black looking fungus that I think are truffles. , when I cut them open it looks sort of grainy black/white material. Not contemplating eating them just curious.
Do you have any experience with truffles? From time to time I manage to unearth some black looking fungus that I think are truffles. , when I cut them open it looks sort of grainy black/white material. Not contemplating eating them just curious.
Sounds like truffles
Truffles have a very distinct smell