That was a nasty storm for NYC. Shut the place down. True blizzard with 60 mph winds and about three plus feet of snow. The ex and I had a midweek Kmart trip planned with a day of Hunter to start, and I decided to get on the road early before we couldn't on Sunday, watching the forecast. Never forget the Thruway as a parking lot going south as we soldiered north. Got to our hotel safely, and woke to two feet of white dust on my car in the morning. Oh boy, I thought. The Catskills were the top of the storm, but, no wind. Brushed my car off with my arm. The best thing I remember skiing is looking up from the then base quad at that face to the right before you get to the top, which is usually ugly black rock, and it had so much snow on it that there were already three sets of tracks down it that didn't hit bottom. They just skied right over that fence on top like it wasn't there, because it was barely visible. It was nuts, and snow showered all that Monday, too.