Total Solar Eclipse coming to NY: April 8, 2024

Looked like a storm coming with the shadow darkening the WSW cloud cover in CNY. Couldn’t see shit with eclipse glasses on. There went a $1.99. Could make out the shape of a white crescent sun through the clouds for a second every once in a great while. Got really dark for a couple minutes. Cool to be home for it with family, a friend and dogs.
Processed reversed when the sky started lightening to the WSW. Twas a cool time period & amazing couple minutes without even seeing the sun & the corona as we were clouded out. Dogs and the rest of us had fun.
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Here at Big Moose Lake, skies went cloudy 5 minutes in then cleared up. We got lucky as the totality was really cool, temps included :)


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Not sure where you were but the totality was spectacular in Indian Lake!!
St Lawrence River too much cloud cover ,yeah it got dark streetlights came on then it got light BFD
Nope St Lawrence River 73 miles west of Titus ,cloudy , underwhelming did ge dark enough for streetlights to come on and was momentarily cool
Twas much darker than a full moon night around here.

For the first partial we kept saying, “Is it getting darker or is it me?”...
Then “night" came in quick for a coupla minutes.
Then it was, "Is it getting lighter out, or is it me?"

Definitely beat the shit outta jury duty.
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That's from our deck. Not sure what it was like in town but I heard there were a lot of cars in the lot at WF.
Even at Alta, people were hoping to see something of the eclipse. We got to the top of Collins after coming across the EBT just as there was enough cloud cover to get a glimpse. Bill snapped a quick picture.

Alta solar eclipse 08Apr2024 - 1.jpeg