Today’s Paddle

Beautiful boat, dog and spot. Moira seems pretty opiated to me. How does she swim?

Ha, opiated is a funny way to describe her. She is pretty chill once in the canoe but getting her in is a different story. She is not a big fan of the water, will wade in a bit to get a drink but that's about it. I've coaxed her to wade in up to her chest on occasion but then she freaks out and heads for shore. I Installed the doggie PFD on shore, got in the canoe, then got her down to the boat. She wanted to get in the canoe behind me, which was no bueno. Tried to get her in ahead of me, much resistance. Grabbed the handles on the PFD to haul her in, she wriggled out (it is a bit big on her), which also pulled off her collar. Fawk! Quickly grabbed her by the scruff, reinstalled collar and hauled her into the canoe. After that she was fine, if not opiated.
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Yesterday in the home territory… practically had the place to myself
