The Incredible Music Thread

She was paid £9 for the late-night session, worth about $190 today. And for a time, she seemed resentful that the song was the apparent apex of her career. “I’m noted for four bars of music,” she once said. “I found that a little bit bizarre.”
First woman to sing on Beatles album passed away at 92
At one point I think Santana had 3 guys playing percussion in addition to Michael Shrieve on the trap kit. As for Crimson. I saw that lineup in 2017. Three drummers. They were all keeping time but not keeping time. It was a mind blowing show.
In his younger daze Santana had quite a few especially if ya count the audience bangin on things.
Every now and then a new (to me) band comes along and just grabs ya. This band just has that “it” thing about them. Amyl and the Sniffers is the kick in the ass today’s modern, punk rock scene needed. Punk ain’t dead folks, it’s hard charging and coming straight out of Australia with this one. If you have ever liked punk music you need to check this out.
Every now and then a new (to me) band comes along and just grabs ya. This band just has that “it” thing about them. Amyl and the Sniffers is the kick in the ass today’s modern, punk rock scene needed. Punk ain’t dead folks, it’s hard charging and coming straight out of Australia with this one. If you have ever liked punk music you need to check this out.
A cross of Debra Harry and Wendy O Williams
A cross of Debra Harry and Wendy O Williams

Throw in a bit of Motörhead, Sex Pistols and a lot of other stuff too. I was thinking that they are taking a little influence from so many classic bands and putting it all into this one formula that they do so fucking good.