The GOAT Still Got It

First Super Bowl I've watched in years. (SB day is a good day to ski. )

I don't really like Brady either, I found myself hoping he wouldn't get hurt.

My wife asked me why I call it the "Super Bore." It's an old habit, there was a long run of bad games. This one wasn't great, but from what I can tell there have been some good ones since I stopped watching.
KC DB's were simply "not in the game" all day . Smart players do not rent out space in their head.

Harv :FWIW, i always called it "The Bore Bowl " used to ski on that day too

Most SB games were monotonous and i absolutely detest the bullshit junior varsity , happy high school bullshit that goes on for 5 hours before the game
It is a tribute to just how stupid america has become .. Its a freaking kid's game people, not life get over it .? .. TV was on, but i was surfing the net most of the game . So it was white noise .
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After a little afternoon tele-pow session, I shoveled a little snow, grilled some souvlaki and maple sriracha wings then went into boredom / meat coma at the half and slept right through it...

yea matthieu really lost his shit there
Most SB games were monotonous and i absolutely detest the bullshit junior varsity , happy high school bullshit that goes on for 5 hours before the game
It is a tribute to just how stupid america has become .. Its a freaking kid's game people, not life get over it .? .. TV was on, but i was surfing the net most of the game . So it was white noise .
There was 6 1/2 hours of that BS yesterday for a 1 hour playing time game.
It's always the same BS. " We have to hold them on defense" "Our offense has to move the ball". That's true for every game EVER PLAYED from Pee Wee's to the Super Bowl.
And the commercials were terrible.
i don't know, there's a lot of conjecture... matthieu was jawing and got the unsportsmanlike, then was going crazy on the sidelines all the way up to the half and into the locker room.
So, when I read the thread title, I was hoping this was going to be about Goat, the trail at Stowe.
Andy Reid seemed like he was in the twilight zone, he said they had their game plan planned for weeks when asked if f their was any distractions he said no, but he didn’t do anything in game to counter the Bucs defense, I think he will be out of coaching after that debacle
When the SU alum announcer, Jim Nance says, “KC defense better not jump offsides”, when they’re down by more than 3 TDs in the 4th Qtr ya know ya have a real nail biter.