The Double Chair Podcast is live

We actually would like feedback. Anybody that has listened to any of it, lay it on me. Relevant topics? Would an audio companion piece to each front page post be appealing? More detailed descriptions of upstate hills? General topics like how to start your kids skiing? Which hills have the best lessons?
It’s funny. When I hear myself I think I sound weird. Lots of people hate their own voice. That’s normal but I’ve gotten so much conflicting feedback over my lifetime. One of my HS teachers said I should go into radio. People from the city think I sound like a hick. One girl from Oregon who worked with me in Alaska just would not believe I have no Italian ancestry based on my accent- like I was Vinny barbarino or something.
Got my lowest High Skool grade ever chalking up a big “D" in chorus.
The report card comment was, “Working up to ability”.
I liked to sing the melody and couldn’t really read music.
After that when we had to do a concert I just lip-synched.
I just want to say that I really enjoyed that. I listened to all 3 episodes the other night. It felt like I was hanging by a fire cracking a beer after skiing all day, just that everyone's voice was over the phone.
It's nice to put a voice to the names. You guys really have love for the game.
Started with episode 2 today. I enjoyed it. I give you guys credit because it's not easy. I'll be listening to the other episodes.

Harvey sounded completely different than I expected... A bit like a movie character actor. Not that it's a bad thing.

@Brownski I could never do it... I have a hard time listening to my own voice.
Revulsion at the sound of your own voice is nearly universal I think. Thanks for the feedback. Episode 3 (with Peter Minde) should be up soon.