Sweet Cars and Trucks

People who would buy a Lambo SUV probably have 10 cars and just felt like buying it. Same as the RR SUV and the Bentley SUV. Not that I wouldn't mind one..if I could afford the maintenance..which I can't.
Another pet peeve: speedometer inflation. Had a loaner while my 2012 diesel Jetta was serviced. No way in hell that sucker is hitting 160.

Its cheaper to make a speedo that goes up that far and put it in everything..rather than making different ones for each car.
And it makes you think you have a fast car..or something like that.
When digital speedometers came out my cousin would switch his to Kilometers when driving our grandma because she would glance over at the speedo to see that he wasn’t driving to fast, her reactions were priceless when seeing/thinking he was going 90+
When digital speedometers came out my cousin would switch his to Kilometers when driving our grandma because she would glance over at the speedo to see that he wasn’t driving to fast, her reactions were priceless when seeing/thinking he was going 90+
One Saturday in Milan about 20 years ago some local folks picked me up at the hotel for a tour of some old castles about an hour south of the hotel. Better than staying in the burbs of Milan on a dreary Saturday and got to see what the locals did on the weekend. Was raining moderately when we left and on the way on the autostrada looked from the back seat at the speedometer and we were doing over 150 kph with the windshield wipers keeping time. Got out and said to the driver who I met for the first time about an hr earlier, "You are a very good driver.” The old dude said, “Not so good as I don’t see so well anymore.” The food, wine and the castles were amazing and we made it back at a more leisurely pace.