Summertime Shenanigans

There was a Rover shop in Billings MT that had a running Series 2a 109 diesel army ambulance for 4 grand back in the day. I wanted to turn it into a camper. The right hand drive was a deal breaker. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. I’m such a dummy. It was similar to this one
The old ones drive like a tractor and aren’t much faster than one. The originals have PTOs.

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Talk about shenanigans, over the falls in Mundo Maya for the 1995 Camel Trophy, best moment in overland history. Starts at 7:45.

There was a Rover shop in Billings MT that had a running Series 2a 109 diesel army ambulance for 4 grand back in the day. I wanted to turn it into a camper. The right hand drive was a deal breaker. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. I’m such a dummy. It was similar to this one
I don't know why I like watching stuff like this, but I do. I've seen other clips from this event with some sick 8-wheeled MAN and other over the top off road vehicles.

Maybe Harv can change the title of this thread to summertime shenanigans.

Anyway, we're psyched to have this going on this weekend. There have been more Rovers rolling around here than I can even count. Going to be a fun weekend!

I think yer good at all seasons shenanigans, so ya got that going for ya.
Few pics from the Glen