Summer Weather 2020

Frost warnings tonight, Sally down south, fires out west...

34 this am on the St Lawrence , The Queen and her regular crew are playing tennis at 8:30 am on Riverside courts ........brrrrrrr


iPhone camera didn’t do sunset justice last night, although the funky exposure on the second pic is cool. This vibrant orange blob of an evening sun has been making itself visible across the country this smoke in the atmosphere from Western fires made it’s way East. Pretty cool...and scary how connected even we are to the fires out West.
Low tomorrow night in the Mud-Hudson Valley forecast to be in the 30s. While still ten degrees higher than record lows for September that’s still well below average. I’m not ready for cold yet, still a few trips planned to the Cape!
Beautiful day in Placid and Wilmington today The Queen of the Hop and I went up for round one early leaf peeking stopped by Da Face ,,the Gondi was full tilt boogie today