Stratton Conditions

Yesterday was cloudy, cold, windy, raw, and dust on crust.

But today, perfection. It must have snow an inch or 2 and temps are in the high 30s. The sun is blazing and the trails are slowly softening.

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Today was firm early but eventually softened up. The sun was out until 3pm. There were waves of crowds, but the only lines were on the Amex and Gondi. The Gondi shut down around 2pm. About 1/2 the mountain is open with hot spots on many open trails.

The Supertrail is done.

The World Cup bump run is open to the public and was a bit scratchy. The skiers left side was awesome corn.

Standard eventually opened and was awesome.
Another great day skiing.
Beautiful sunny day with single digits at the top. Only a few trails open from the top. There is some snow in the trees and on the closed trails. The trails that are open are crowded.

Shooting Star, closed

West Meadow

Franks, closed for racing. Again.
The upper mountain remained icy all afternoon. The lower mountain was soft and in some low angle areas complete mush.

Crowded Sun bowl 6

Mogul course on World Cup never opened today. The closed trails on the upper mountain were petrified.
I can see at least 5 cats grooming trails right now at 8:45pm. Yay!
Rain and below freezing temps left a nice coating of ice on my helmet (and everything else) when I went in for lunch around 1pm.

I took 2 more runs after lunch. By then it was raining at the top, too.
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