So beautifully and fantastically lonely.

So beautifully and fantastically lonely…..

There’s a place where the west is still wild, where there’s high alpine peaks rising over 5 thousand feet over the deserts below. In those mountains you can find lonesome camps next to massive Aspen groves, historic sheep herder carvings and patches of snow lingering into July. Theres huge herds of elk, bears and mountain lions. There’s endless 11 to 13 thousand foot tall peaks to go explore and barely another soul around.

There’s ghost towns and towns still alive with miners and whores. There’s a whiskey bar in the middle of nowhere next to a trout filled creek that pours down from the towering mountains just out back.

There’s curious roadside oddities, salt flats and mountains of sand. The nighttime sky’s are filled with stars and the sounds of critters that roam in the dark.

This place… in California, or maybe it’s Yellowstone or up in the Wasatch mountains, I don’t remember exactly but those are the places to go for sure….
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Every photo delicious. Love that hotel.
Great eye RA. Incredible images. Your admiration of the wild country shines through them. Definitely jogged some dusty memories of the magnificent West that I hadn’t thought of in quite some time.
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I recall an earlier post you made about the sheepherder carvings. It made me think of this story I found while in Colorado about the trees in Steamboat. I was able to find it again.
We passed through there with the intention of checking them out on a ski tour but Strawberry hot springs stole our limited time. Time for another road trip!
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