Snowbird/Alta April 23-26, 2022

Ha, Uncle Giggles partake of the herb? Fascinating dude, Gary was. Another of the guys we were hanging with easily could have been Barney!

Here are turns into No Name Bowl.
I’ve got some other decent video from the day, but clips get a bit tired. Perhaps I’ll put together a video for this trip when I get home.
Strange day today, likely my last of the season. Day started cold, cloudy, and firm. Not fun. Lots of terrain not open. No High Baldy hike, so no real chance to get over to Alta and Main Baldy. Ready to take an early lunch to see if things softened, I figured I’d venture out Road to Provo to see if Knucklehead was, in fact, closed. You wanna know you gotta go! Fortunately the Knucklehead Traverse was open, as was the Gad 2 Touring gate at Bonar Pass. That turned the day around. Oh, and the sun came out and things went from firm to sticky in the blink of an eye.

Boot pack to the Temptation Chutes.

Looking back at Temptation after my run.

Skiing was good despite the plethora of small rollerballs, but not much avy danger. Made my way out Red Lens Line and the High Saddle below Boundary Bowl and Thunder Bowl.


Skied out through Mushroom Land…


….and Exit Gully.

Everything below Temptation was super sticky, but still fun.

After a late lunch I went to see if High Baldy was really closed, which it was. From there I did Zen to Mid Baldy and savored my last turns of what is my best season at 22 days.
Did ya see Junior?
Lady from The UpState recently wrote an article about him.

He skied 96 days at 96 years young.