Ski Length


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2020
It seems to me that there are several 45+ skiers on this forum. Was curious if people have been moving to shorter skis as they age. I'm 49 and 5'9 and about 165lbs advanced (not expert skier). I just got a new pair of J Ski - Masterblasters and got them at 181. The next size down was 174 which seemed like a big jump down. I spoke to one of their sales reps who recommended sizing to 181 based on the amount of rocker the skis have and less "effective edge". I've never skied on anything shorter than 177 and I'm coming from Enforcers which are 179 so really don't have a good sense of how much easier vs less stable a shorter ski would be. I've since skied them 3 times and they feel fine, don't feel like they are running away from me or anything like that. Just the typical leg burn after going down the recent bumps on Topridge at Gore. But just have a nagging worry I would have been better off on the shorter ski. They have a 5 day money back guarantee which is why I'm waffling even though it would be a pain to have to return them. Thanks for the thoughts!
short skis suck, long skis truck
It seems to me that there are several 45+ skiers on this forum. Was curious if people have been moving to shorter skis as they age. I'm 49 and 5'9 and about 165lbs advanced (not expert skier). I just got a new pair of J Ski - Masterblasters and got them at 181. The next size down was 174 which seemed like a big jump down. I spoke to one of their sales reps who recommended sizing to 181 based on the amount of rocker the skis have and less "effective edge". I've never skied on anything shorter than 177 and I'm coming from Enforcers which are 179 so really don't have a good sense of how much easier vs less stable a shorter ski would be. I've since skied them 3 times and they feel fine, don't feel like they are running away from me or anything like that. Just the typical leg burn after going down the recent bumps on Topridge at Gore. But just have a nagging worry I would have been better off on the shorter ski. They have a 5 day money back guarantee which is why I'm waffling even though it would be a pain to have to return them. Thanks for the thoughts!
70 + tele skier on 181
It seems to me that there are several 45+ skiers on this forum. Was curious if people have been moving to shorter skis as they age.
Ain’t a septuagenarian but 5 foot 9 or 8 as I haven’t measured lately.
Have some Volkl RTM84s but are kinda heavy & a workout even at the local bump after a few hours skiing nonstop.
Got me some sweet lighter Montero ASs Jimmy at The Ski Company recommended but have yet to see snow.
The Volkl’s are 172.
The Stockli’s are 166. Gonna try em soon.
A friend who’s in his mid 80s gave me his like new old Atomic Beta Race 9.20s when he moved to New Hampshire last year.
I think there’s a pic somewhere on here of those monsters.
The Atomics are 190. Haven’t worked up the courage them yet, but should be fun to try.
Got an old pair of Solomons that are about the same length as the new skis.

These and my other skis (not listed) are a conglomeration.
Skiing is fun.
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It seems to me that there are several 45+ skiers on this forum. Was curious if people have been moving to shorter skis as they age. I'm 49 and 5'9 and about 165lbs advanced (not expert skier). I just got a new pair of J Ski - Masterblasters and got them at 181. The next size down was 174 which seemed like a big jump down. I spoke to one of their sales reps who recommended sizing to 181 based on the amount of rocker the skis have and less "effective edge". I've never skied on anything shorter than 177 and I'm coming from Enforcers which are 179 so really don't have a good sense of how much easier vs less stable a shorter ski would be. I've since skied them 3 times and they feel fine, don't feel like they are running away from me or anything like that. Just the typical leg burn after going down the recent bumps on Topridge at Gore. But just have a nagging worry I would have been better off on the shorter ski. They have a 5 day money back guarantee which is why I'm waffling even though it would be a pain to have to return them. Thanks for the thoughts!
Hard to give advice without seeing you ski on them. It does sound like a jump though. Returning stuff is a PIA.

Spent a lot of time on long skis all the way up to 223s. If you have the terrain, space and need to go fast they can be fun. I’ve been sizing down progressively over the years. I’m 5’7 150lbs, just turned 50 and my go to ski is a 174. The more time I spend on light touring gear the more I can’t imagine going back to heavy and long. Now my longest ski is a nordic 185.

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recommended sizing to 181 based on the amount of rocker the skis have and less "effective edge". I've never skied on anything shorter than 177 and I'm coming from Enforcers which are 179 ... and they feel fine
this all sounds right.

Im a little taller and a lot fatter than you and every spring on superstar i say I'm going to add a 180'ish non metal soft "bump" ski to the quiver but can never justify it for 5-6 days a year...
I'm 5'11" 200 lbs and 61, I ski my 180 brahma 88 confidently and fast on black groomers. But I look like a complete fool on blue bumps.

I came from 172 with minimal rocker to 180 with more rocker and was glad I didn't go shorter. But the next size up was 188 and glad I didn't do that either. So I think the amount of rocker is a big factor to either size up/down.

I've made a commitment to learn to ski bumps but the 180 feels too long and hard to control for me. So I may rent/buy something shorter to learn and enjoy bumps.
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I’ve often thought the same thoughts about going shorter. As a general rule I ski in range of 175 ( carver ) to 183 ( AM ) I’m 5’10 210 lbs 58. I spend most of my time on trail and play around in light bumps. Often think I should go a little shorter and get bumping more but have no business with my back problems, so I take stability over nimble. One thing to consider is where you ski and how you ski. Do you like charging or farting around? On a big mountain I’d bring my longest and small hill shorter ski with tighter radius.
Think a lot of people over think it… find a ski you’re interested in and get the length with a radius that compliment your style.