Ski Day Tracking 2022 - 2023

Magical. So many beautiful views. Such a great variety of pitches and widths. It’s time to relocate. I need to live much closer. I enjoyed my time at Belle this year but Gore is next level. I could go happily into retirement with Gore as my home.
I could almost use this as my signature.
I could almost use this as my signature.
Magical. So many beautiful views. Such a great variety of pitches and widths. It’s time to relocate. I need to live much closer. I enjoyed my time at Belle this year but Gore is next level. I could go happily into retirement with Gore as my home.
My take on Belleayre and Gore also. On the chair with Harv, I mentioned, I wish Gore was so much closer to NEPA, my home. He replied , what helps make Gore what it is , is where it’s located. My wife wants to retire South, I want to go North!
On the chair with Harv, I mentioned, I wish Gore was so much closer to NEPA, my home. He replied , what helps make Gore what it is , is where it’s located.

That's a thing I would say.

When people dream about moving Gore to Old Forge or Tug I say the same thing.

This whole thing here is a coping mechanism for me, embrace what is. I_LOVE_NY
Speaking of tracking …

8 yrs, 385 ski days , 10,404 bike miles, lot’s of hikes and sh!t ton of killer dance moves on the new hip and counting!

Did this idea start here?
Curiosity fueled by boredom. That and my wife encouraged me to use the free Gore day and even offered some of her zillion Marriot points to make it happen. I stayed in Glens Falls - 35 minutes to Gore which was amazing.