Royal Mountain Conditions

Good day today. The snow was pretty much still like what I reported for Thursday. The morning started with less than an inch of fluff on top of the corduroy, which was really pleasant. We mostly had sun with a few cloudy intervals, probably getting up to 28 or 30 degrees. My was split pretty evenly among cruising the groomers, working with a student on Knight and Prince in my one lesson, and poking around the woods. My best run of the day was down through Glasgow (off to the left of Knight) down across Captain Jacks to Jacksland. Planning to get back tomorrow by late morning or midday.
And more of the same on my short midday Sunday visit. It was snowing lightly, not amounting to anything but it looked nice. If there was any change to report, I'd say that getting to the 6th day in a row and 8th of 9 being open is resulting in a few more patches on the steeps getting down to the machine made glacier underneath all of the nice snow. There were also a few more branches and roots and rocks starting to poke through in the more well-traveled paths through the woods. Still a really pleasant handful of runs to wrap the weekend.
I got back to Royal today after being away last weekend. Thinking back to Wednesday night, a wind-driven r*** was eating away at the snowpack in my yard, and I knew it was doing the same all the way up into Quebec. I was figuring after the freeze up and a good groom, at least Royal's main trails would be skiable today but that the woods and other natural snow areas would probably not be in play at least for now. But this is the winter of 2025, and it continues to treat Royal well. We got a couple inches from an early morning, post-groom squall. I taught lessons all morning and figured things would be skied off and I'd just grab some lunch, do a "Royal tour," and go home. Turns out it was still really nice! After runs on Knight/Captain Jacks/Jacksland and then Prince, I met up with some of our other senior instructors and we did a little informal bumps and steeps clinic, mostly on Challenge and Red Carpet. Yes, there were skied off patches especially on the headwalls but what was exposed was still edgeable and soft stuff was not too hard to find. We stayed out longer than I was planning because it was still so good. We took a couple excellent runs down the T-bar line, and down through the Princess/Maiden/Damsel combination of trees. Fresh tracks there to be had at 3 PM, though some high traffic turns were down to hard pack or just about bare.

As long as I can get some work done tonight to get ready for Monday morning, I plan to spend a good chunk of Sunday back at it at Royal.
We had pleasant surfaces again today. I didn't make as many runs before and after the one lesson I taught, and I stayed out of the woods. I especially enjoyed the packed powder/sugary loose granular mix on Royal and Red Carpet was fun again today if you avoided a few skied down patches.

Looks like all-out spring skiing will be on tap when we get back at it on Saturday. The current forecast is calling for a 60-degree day. The deep cover on the snowmaking trails should be ready to stand up to the warmth.
We had great spring skiing in the morning, excellent carving snow. All the main trails remain deep and there is still some skiing to be had in the woods. Red Carpet's bumps softened and were a lot of fun. When I finished up just after 1, my run down Royal was really soft but still pleasant as long as you didn't fight it.
In his weekend preview FB post, Jake reports all trails will be open and no bare spots yet, and that they were planning to wait for freeze up tonight to groom things out. I'll check it out first hand in the morning. After the ski day, it's cardboard derby and fireworks.
I was surprised to see how well the snow held up this week. Jake was right, no bare spots on the snowmaking trails and still plenty deep in most places.

The only obstacles were 2 stumps that have surfaced on Red Carpet. The snow was great all morning, firm and edgeable loose and frozen granular softening quickly in the sun. There wasn't much left off the snowmaking trails, though that didn't stop some people from trying. I skied everything multiple times before lunch. Then I had a lesson, during which ice pellets then light rain started, so I went home after the lesson. As far as I know, the cardboard derby went on as planned after closing but the fireworks were canceled due to possible rain and high winds.
With the wet weather in the forecast for Saturday, Royal is pushing back the Pond Skim a week to April 5. I will be away that day so I will have to miss it for the second year in a row.