AGREE : Simplicity is a wonderful goal , there is a great comfort to it especially when you are at a point to get off the treadmill of making a living and all the psychological baggage that comes with that melieu .
Life aint a dress rehearsal, tis wiser to get busy making a LIFE , not just a living . We are all MUCH MORE than what we do .
Collect people , not stuff , stuff is strictly a short term satisfier . It only generates more problems and frankly NO ONE cares about your materialism .
Now you do need ENOUGH dough and security but not to beyond supporting your needs . FRankly athat is never worth simply draining your LIFE force to empty. So do what you like ,but like what you do ( honestly , not self delusional thinking ) .If you genuinely like what you do as many do GREAT , keep doing it
Campy is on target with noting that the best things in Life are the simple things that many of us learned from our parents. They often had a very clear focus on the difference between needs. Vs wants .