Anyone want a challenge? Buy a ski resort.
Want to be a pioneer, follow Laszlo's footsteps.
"Lightning strike takes out a lift building", unfortunately just another day in the life in the ski biz. Do you want a new surprise everyday, take the Plunge and buy a ski area. These Blockbuster events happen daily but nobody really knows. Often it feels like your are in a Freefall but what does Platty do, they just turn everything into a positive and go on.
The Platty family has everything under control, not our first rodeo.
However, huge thanks to all that have reached out to help. Back in the day, ski areas all looked out for each other, and Platty has helped those in need when needed.
Big corporations or not, the ski biz a huge family and in the big picture will help out as needed.
We have seen that just in a few days.
People like to use the term "team", I like to use the term 'Family", that's what Platty is and that's how we treat our guests. That's what makes Platty special. We watch each other's kids as well as our guests kids as they are our own..
Laz, Danielle, Mac, Collin, Kevin, Marilyn, McKenzie, Shannon and so many more make it happen everyday.
In the big picture, it's a lift shack with a bunch of expensive stuff in it, Platty will be fine. I guarantee it!