Plattekill Conditions

We had a great day today. I feel bad that JTG’s son and his friend missed out but their loss was our gain. I’m grateful for the hookup cause we might have ended up at Shawnee otherwise. Worth mentioning Blockbuster first thing in the morning was really nice too.
damn, can’t believe you guys were there and I missed you (although I guess I was teaching from 12-3)
Late morning I saw a blue/orange Platty school jacketed person laying down some sweet tele-arcs on Freefall, and I thought it might have been you. I was keeping my eye out, for you and Broski. Know what I leaned today? There’s a shit ton of blue/orange Platty school jacketed tele-skiers on that mountain!:p
We had a great day today. I feel bad that JTG’s son and his friend missed out but their loss was our gain. I’m grateful for the hookup cause we might have ended up at Shawnee otherwise. Worth mentioning Blockbuster first thing in the morning was really nice too.
My lazy-ass son and his lazy-ass friend deserved to miss what they missed today, don’t feel bad for those losers!
Next time. Each time I hit the base I waited a few minutes to see if a pair of blue jackets came along. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be, this time. As small a place as it is, it’s not that small!
I was at Platty Sat and Sun. Sat was cold and cloudy with persistent snow flurries. Balls out snowmaking and good grooming made the day.
Sun was brilliant sunshine and temps in the mid-30's. Skiing was great! Firm but with a good corn layer, the skiing was smooth and fun. Groomed trails were excellent, bumps on Plunge got better with each time down, the snowmaking on the Face made the skiing there pretty awesome and yes the trees were very good. I've managed to find my way around most of the trees at this point. That was a stellar late winter weekend at Plattekill!
