Plattekill Conditions

I got a substantial pay go out of my fucking mind...
But as they could be worse...I'm not starving..but missing the most epic powder day all money pays for that.
I'll try for leftovers on wednesday at Bell. Maybe my guys will make it in by then...I did..and I'm 50 miles away..But my car has those magical devices on it..called snowtires.
I got a substantial pay go out of my fucking mind...
But as they could be worse...I'm not starving..but missing the most epic powder day all money pays for that.
I'll try for leftovers on wednesday at Bell. Maybe my guys will make it in by then...I did..and I'm 50 miles away..But my car has those magical devices on it..called snowtires.
if it makes you feel any better
the cats aren't getting the big numbers
Looks like a few inches at Hunter, less at Belle, very little at Plattekill.
Its supposed to keep snowing until late tuesday..To me anything over 6 inches is a win. I'll just bring the 105 instead of the 117's. Its dumping here in NYC.
webcams at Hunter and Bell look good..its coming down.
Remember when your at a place..its all harpack, some ice, lot of groomers...then it starts dumping..and in no time with only a few inches the whole place is transformed. Years ago I was skiing Goat at Stowe..first run was bony and sketchy..started dumping..second run totally different with only 2 inches on it.
The glades will benefit most from this.
Looks like a few inches at Hunter, less at Belle, very little at Plattekill.
Just shoveled the walk and steps. Maybe an inch of new. We’ve had more snow lately than what this dropped so far. It ain’t over till it’s over. Gonna go to Song tomorrow. It’s always closed on non-Holiday Mondays.