Plattekill Conditions

I have but it’s always just been for exercise when they were open on a day that I was also going to ride the lift and had purchased a ticket. I’ve done the same at Mohawk in CT and at Windham. I think it’s a reasonable policy. They’re not under any obligation to allow uphill at all if they decide not to. We should respect the rules. Skinning at a resort is for exercise and learning to use the gear. Free skiing is available at defunct resorts and in the backcountry.
Well you're all set then. Buy a ticket stick to the allowed terrain and timing and you are good to go.
Well that double sucks. I’ve always enjoyed skiing there and have always paid for it. I’ve never uphilled there but I sure would like to and would pay for that too.
I would pay as well! With the new policy posted I was wondering who to call about that 30$ uphill “
pass/ ticket” outside of operating data ...
the problem I see is it says you skin up routes that are not open to downhill? So Blockbuster????
Imagine if you could put that $30 towards next years season pass? I wonder how many additional season pass holders he would gain.
Imagine if you could put that $30 towards next years season pass? I wonder how many additional season pass holders he would gain.
Yeah, except it’s $30 for uphill access. Its a voluntary transaction. Imagine if you could apply the money you spent on lunch or next year’s pass. What’s the difference?
Because that could attract a person to be “all in” as previously described and they would ultimately buy that food etc.
The OC ski club rented Platty for Thursday January 7. Tickets are $45 or $50 for non members. Buy them on the OC website.

What will conditions be?

This is from my friend
That was there today Sunday
""Foggy snowed a bit stopped now. Snow not great not a surprise but having a good time anyway gonna stop soon.
This is from my friend
That was there today Sunday
""Foggy snowed a bit stopped now. Snow not great not a surprise but having a good time anyway gonna stop soon.
I'm probably gonna pass on Thursday. I've never been to Plattekill and I'm hoping someone will convince me to go.
