Page, Arizona

of course not..
mostly using front brake.. front brake is your friend..
That's counter intuitive, to me.

Steep pitch + heavy front brake = face plant?
That rock has grip for days.. stay off the back brake and let it roll..

had to use the rear brake as much as I could, much less than the front of course but that face had no clean run out. The angle became a lot less but we still had to dump the bikes side ways into a sand box with plenty of cacti!


Rad! where’s that feature?

It's an admin only thing, but it's easy to do, if you have uploaded pics here, vs hot linked them.

Even if you hotlink them, I can do it but it takes a minute, instead of a second.

Xenforo has a strong community, many experienced people write these programs called add-ons. This addon called "Rotate" is written by a cool SF biker guy, with his own biker forum. He also wrote the addons that allow me to pull content over from the old forum and change the author and date, as I did with so many of the TRs.

It cost some money, but not too much and it was totally worth it. He even called me to talk me through some of the details. Guy is hilarious. "You east coast guys are so tightly wound it makes me laugh!"
