NY Snowmobile Conditions

No pics from the weekend, but WOW, what fun and great conditions we had.
It would seem as though we're shutdown for the season
Twas a good one
Until next year ---- Braaaaaap!
What an amazing surprise. This weekend we cashed in, bigly.
Full on POW riding today. Everything had 2 - tree feet of snow. Some parts of the fields were bare then you'd hit a 3 foot drift and submarine. We'll worth it.
Only 2 pics, but I promise you we all were smiling ear to ear. At one point we had 7 sleds, 4 boarders, and 2 skiers at the cabin.
Phenomenal ending of the year.
somebody go get it

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Nice find Brownie.
Camp’s Sledbased Service for fresh pow laps.
Might be able to cover cost of fuel/food/refreshments.