NY Ski Area Closing Dates 2023

From Titus FB:
"To our skiers & riders:
Our season has officially come to an end. We were hoping to get one more weekend in, but Mother Nature seems to have a different plan. We want to thank EVERYONE who made this season a great one! We're already looking forward to next winter and can't wait to see everyone back on the slopes"

Lot of folks thanked them for an amazing season.
Titus was open the 25th.
Maybe @Mike knows if they were open Sunday the 26th.
When we were pass-holders there, the MP crowd always said they only bought insurance through March. Didn’t necessarily make sense to me but that was the word
Song says they plan to be open Good Friday (7th) and the next day.
It ain’t over till it’s over.
Possible that 4/2 was closing day for McCauley but I heard straight from SteveU that they are gonna do everything they can to open next weekend.