Mountain Creek 2-27-2022

Jason is being harsh on the place, sure the conditions suck pretty much always and its often crowded but they have high speed quads that make for fast laps and for so many including myself its the closest option. I've got a Bell pass for the weekends and Creek for weekdays after work. I generally only go on days its 45 degrees or warmer and typically only stay for 3 hours, if your on Bear Peak you can get 15+ runs in that time.

Again its about knowing what your getting into but if you want to ski after work and boost your days out each season Creek is the perfect spot. Just never ski or ride Vernon Peak, ever. It's also some of the most entertaining people watching you will ever see at a ski mountain, and proves that diversity in skiing and riding is really a proximity issue more than anything else.
Maybe I’m a bit over the top.
So I think I might have mentioned that through no fault of my own, I ended up buying a TriplePlay card each for me and Dangerboy at Mountain Creek. I was at Plattekill on Saturday but had nothing going on yesterday so after sleeping in, we decided to go put in a couple hours. We parked at south a little before noon. The parking lot was crowded and folks were already having some fun.

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Including these guys huddled inside the back of the work van- pretty stealthy.

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Dangerboy was still kind of dragging ass,in spite of the extra sleep so I attempted to energize him with a waffle.

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It kind of worked. My original plan was to ride up the South quad so we could take the Sojourner double over to Granite Peak but this is what the line for the South Quad looked like.

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So we decided Bear Peak would be plenty good for us. The line for that lift was reasonable. And yeah, I know about the special secret parking for Granite. I’ve used it before. I figured if we had to I could reposition us later on if Bear didn’t work out.

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It was a pretty good day for a Sunday at Mountain Creek. Of course we didn’t have that much to choose from on Bear but the snow was pretty good. We checked out each combination of trails available, chose our favorite and did about a dozen more runs on it. Basic stuff.

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The highlight of the day- other then the excellent skiing of course- occurred when I happened to overhear a couple talking in line behind us. It was immediately apparent that this guy in his mid twenties was trying really really hard to impress the girl he was skiing with but for some reason he chose Reality TV as the subject of discussion. The first thing I heard him say was something like “…so you watch all those love shows?” The girl said not really but she watched a show called room raiders where- if I heard this correctly- a girl gets to rifle through a couple dudes’ dorm rooms, analyze the stuff they have and then decide who to go on a date with based on that. Interesting. The guy was like “Yeah, I don’t really like reality shows but…” or some bullshit.

I know that eavesdropping is wrong but I had to hear more. It was imperative that we ride the lift with these kids. As we neared the loading station, I realized the people ahead of us were a double as well so the logical thing would be to go ahead and fill in with them. Shit. A couple boarders merging from the other line saved me. I took charge for a second, pushed them up to make a four and loaded with the dating game next to us on the lift.

For a brief moment I wanted to just jump right in with “So you guys are on a date right?” And just torture them all the way to the top. I looked at my son and he was smiling too but I could tell he didn’t want me to do it. Telepathy. So I just sat back and enjoyed the dude’s shit- talking silently. And shit- talking it turned out to be cause this guy was obviously into reality TV - BIG TIME. They both were. The guy had a buddy who was on some show I’d never heard of. The girl knew the show though and said the guy’s friend was the villain of the show so the guy totally threw his pal under the bus and was like “yeah, he’s a real asshole frat boy type of guy”. Fucking frat boys. Classic.

Then it turned out the girl had a friend who went through the laborious process of applying to be on another show but the guy that was gonna be on that show was a really religious catholic and her friend wasn’t religious so the producers cut her because she wouldn’t stand a chance of being compatible with the main guy, which turned out to be bullshit cause apparently the super religious guy came out as gay in the next season or something so her friend really got screwed for no reason. So then the guy was like, “ would you go on one of those shows?” And the girl said sure but only if somebody just put her on it. She wouldn’t want to go through the selection process, which I totally get cause, you know, I don’t like being judged either.

We were getting towards the top so I broke my silence to warn them I was putting the bar up. The guy said “No problem” but then he continued with “So how are you guys doing? Having a good day?” I couldn’t take it any more. I said “Yeah, how about you? Are you guys on a date?” He said “Yeah, we are” but then I think he blew it “You want to join us?” That seemed like an odd thing to say. What a creep. I laughed aloud and said no, not in a million years, but a ski date is a good idea. Cool. Have fun.

So fun. We kept skiing for a couple hours and then headed out. The parking lot was even more hopping as we left.

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Good times. Good times.
Haven't been to Mountain Creek in over ten years, but still remember my best lift ride. Shared the ride up with 2 cops who were talking about how one of them and another cop beat the shit out of some guy as they were arresting him.

Towards the top of the lift, one of them leans over and says "you didn't hear any of that did you?" I said, "Nope my headphones are too loud to hear anything."
$289 season pass, I live in NJ, and I have no interest even at that price. Just don't enjoy the place. Maybe arson the Cabriolet, re-open Pipeline, and get back to me.

Went there some when I lived 45 min away, til I discovered I preferred its pint sized neighbor Hidden Valley when I needed somewhere that close to ski.
Yeah, it’s not that great. I would much rather ski Jiminy.
Jiminy got some good press recently with their adaptive fundraiser.
Again its about knowing what your getting into but if you want to ski after work and boost your days out each season Creek is the perfect spot.
How late can you ski midweek in January? I have a company offsite at Crystal Springs (which seems to be right next door) and was hoping to get some runs in after each day's business.