Manning Park, BC - 2/19/23


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2020
When I lived in NY, Plattekill was my go to mountain for holiday weekends and powder days. Not only was the skiing great, but it offered an escape from the overcrowding that plagues most ski areas around the holidays or whenever a highly publicized storm rolls through. Though Plattekill was never officially my home hill, it always felt like home.


Up until now, I haven’t had an equivalent mountain near Vancouver to fall back on for these occasions. While I’ve known about Manning Park for quite some time, I finally got around to checking the place out—and I think I’ve found my “Plattekill”.


An example of the terrain skiers’ right of the quad

Manning Park is located in a Provincial Park of the same name, and sits at the transition zone between the moist rainforests of the western Cascades and the dry pine forests of the Okanagan. As such, the moisture is a little less abundant here than points west, but the snow that falls is of a much lighter variety. There’s also less instances of rain that is common in the region.


The ski area is small by most standards. It is serviced by two fixed grip lifts that radiate out from the base area, with a new Doppelmayr quad servicing the full 1100’ vertical, and an ancient double servicing a smaller pod off to the side. For beginners and low intermediates, there are essentially a couple routes down from each lift, and Manning might feel a bit limited for these skiers.


This fixed grip quad was installed in 2019

For advanced skiers, there’s actually a decent amount of options, particularly off the quad where there are some fun glades, meadows and gullies to explore. Pushing out towards the boundary skiers’ left yields a nice variety of lines and the longest fall line.


Along the eastern boundary with the access road below

Considering this was the most crowded day of the season, skier density was extremely light—especially on the advanced runs. Lift lines maxed out at 5 minutes for the quad—though there no wait if you utilized the singles line. On a powder day, I could easily see myself skiing untracked all day, and I found plenty of untouched stashes from a snowfall days prior.


Some of the terrain serviced by the Blue Chair

For those with an Indy Pass, this could be a fun mountain to hit in conjunction with Apex Mountain two hours to the east. It could also be a fun weekend stopover if passing through from Vancouver to the interior (or vice versa). And for people like me, Manning Park just might be my new home.

that looks perfect
Sounds like a cool place!

Obviously you decided against the 3.5 hour drive to Alpental. They are reporting 26 inches in the last 48 and another foot today, all with low snow levels. No worries, another big, cold storm coming in next weekend….
I kind of wanted something chill—especially given it was a holiday weekend both north and south of the border. Manning was exactly that. No red snakes. No leaving at the ass crack of dawn to beat the lineups. No stress.

And while those Alpental snow totals are impressive, I’m less inclined to ski big powder days because of the crowds. I much prefer a sneaky 6” or gradual refreshes that add up over several days. Those are the days when I have the most fun and get to ski the most untracked snow—even if it’s not as deep. When I get around to visiting Alpental, it will probably be a day like that.
No bar, unfortunately. This is one area Manning could improve and potentially make some extra money in the process.

There was lots of tailgating, however. You could ski right to your car. People had portable gas fire pits, chairs and canopies. Who needs a bar then, eh?!
I love tailgating unless it's snowing sideways and cold af :D
Have you been to Mount Cain yet Takeahike?

I imagine it's a bit of a haul from the big city but it looks worth the track imho. I'd really like to go there one day.

If it's on your radar and you plan on going please post up a TR when /if you do. Thanks!