Jonny Quest was awesome.

The first cartoon I remember watching was Tobor the 8th Man. He smoked energy cigarettes that he kept in his belt buckle. Tobor is robot backwards.
We had a similar system. My brother made my little sister sit next to the TV and switch channels on command

We had a family in the neighborhood with a Zenith with a remote. It had a servo motor with a chain that would turn the channel selector, clunk, clunk, clunk.
My father had a voice activated channel selector, "Billy, put the TV on channel 6".
Did anyone else have the "weather" channel that scanned a series of dials back and forth, temp, humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction?
We had a family in the neighborhood with a Zenith with a remote. It had a servo motor with a chain that would turn the channel selector, clunk, clunk, clunk.

First "remote" I ever saw was just a wire and a button that turned the TV on and off.

I remember another remote I saw that did the same thing as what you are describing. It changed the channel and the manual channel changer actually moved.

TOBOR! Robot spelled backwards. Not exactly and awesome theme song IMO.

Pretty cool base line in this.

Dog Town & Z Boys is 20 years old, people. It came out in 2001. If you started in 2001 and went back as much time as has passed since it was released it would be 1981, when MTV was still brand new. ‘81 to ‘01 seemed like a really long time period. 2001 until today went by in the blink of an eye. Seriously, what the fuck is going on? This is bullshit.
Dog Town & Z Boys is 20 years old, people. It came out in 2001. If you started in 2001 and went back as much time as has passed since it was released it would be 1981, when MTV was still brand new. ‘81 to ‘01 seemed like a really long time period. 2001 until today went by in the blink of an eye. Seriously, what the fuck is going on? This is bullshit.
You had kids?