Jay Peak Conditions

My brother (literally) has been skiing at Jay this week, here is the report from yesterday:

Well, just to provide the real Jay Peak snow report: No three feet of snow in the village but I guess the mountain might have gotten that except that it was on top of a pretty meagre base. It was snowing today and cold. The freshie still on the sides (8-10") was very light and fluffy but the groomers were showing some slick spots. After a few runs with S, who reported some nice turns on Deer Run (better than Interstate or Queens Hwy), I was feeling adventurous so went up the Flyer. After my buddy on the lift reported that Beaver Pond was skied-out, I decided on the old standby of River Kwai or Powerline. On my way towards the top of the Bonnie I figured Powerline -- oops 601 to Mickey -- was a better bet. Packed snow with lots of rock and scrapey moguls. Hard work but in the end the masochist in me enjoyed it. But I am glad I was alone because there were many breaks! Mickey was a 5 out of 10. Anyhoo, it was nice to see the mountain finally 99.9% open (mid Northwest passage closed).

And today:

The second installment, as promised:

Bluebird day at Jay today with sunshine and temps above zero. Hit Beaver Pond this morning as promised and it was bumps in the trees with the moguls having a scrapey downside and powder on the other. Another challenge! Andre's was better and managed a few proper turns in a bit of powder from time to time. Ullr's was pretty good except for the pitch which was a cluster---- of people who weren't too familiar with HARD surface skiing. Met up with S again who reported good conditions on Village Chair and again her favourite Deer Run, and then I went to Stateside.

Timbuktu into Corona thinking there might be more snow. Pretty good but again skied-out overall and you had to be on your guard for the occasional icy patch. Derrick after that which was slick and fun. Montrealer to home. It is Presidents Week with half the state of Massachussetts here because the schools have the week off.

Going to live it up and have a drink at the Black Lantern!
JJ & S
This weekend I skied at Jay for the first time since Feb. 2020 and the subsequent pandemic lockdowns, plus life getting in the way. Those of us who hadn't been there for a while were surprised at how little snow there was, given the recent storms. My brother, who skis there fairly regularly responded with "but there was no base!" Anyhoo, despite the number of closed trails, there was still plenty of fun to be had if you didn't mind the damp windy weather on Friday and Saturday. Sunday was glorious, with a skim of fresh snow and sunshine. If the rain holds off and temps stay coolish, they have several more weekends to go, especially on the Jet, Haines, Vermonters, Northway, Goat, Ullr's, etc. If you go with low expectations, and don't mind skiing easier runs, you'll have a great day. A more detailed report to follow eventually, with pics.
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Made it up to Jay last Friday. Everything was on wind hold except for Bonaventure Quad, Taxi Quad, and the Metro Quad. A few inches of snow had fallen overnight while the mountain froze after Thursday’s rain. Wind was very high and blew most of this snow into the trees. Not much was open but still was a good time.
Made it up to Jay last Friday. Everything was on wind hold except for Bonaventure Quad, Taxi Quad, and the Metro Quad. A few inches of snow had fallen overnight while the mountain froze after Thursday’s rain. Wind was very high and blew most of this snow into the trees. Not much was open but still was a good time.

Nice. Headed there this weekend, assuming they let me across the border. Looks like spring skiing on a phat base. Will report back .