In Memory of My Dad

May his memory be eternal.

We should all live a life to have such a beautifully written remembrance.
Sorry for your loss. It is wonderful that you had him as long as you did. Condolences to you and your family.
Your grief will subside in time but your memories that you shared with us will always bring you joy.
Milo, my sis sent me that pic, and I thought, I'll post it and say my dad died. Just that first sentence about the time of death.

I was thinking what can I even remember? What kind of son am I if I can't even remember enough to say something at his funeral?

Then it just started to flow. I remembered more than I thought. I think most of it is true.

Turns out we are a cremation family and mom wants to wait a while before having a service. We did that with my other sister too.

All the positive feedback, and I was thinking of breaking this out and sending the link to my mom and sis. Seems a little weird to do it, but would make it easier for her to understand what I was sending her.
Harv, my deepest condolences to you and your family. Lost my father last year, he passed on his 94th birthday.
By chance, did your father attend Aquinas Institute in Rochester?
I sent a link to the original post above to my sister. She corrected me on a few things and generally had a strong reaction to it. She wants me to put together something bigger, that includes more input from others for the rest of the family. Family from Italy has been reaching out.

She reminded me of a couple stories I can't believe I didn't remember.

When my folks were in grad school at RPI we lived — 5 of us — in maybe 500 sq feet, it was RPI's "married student housing." We were a handful, especially when my dad was spending those nights in the lab.

We NEVER wanted to go to bed. So dad invented this thing to make it fun, to get us to sleep.

He called it "Fly Me to Bed."

Basically all three of us would run into the living room and lay on the floor posing as planes with our wings (arms) spread out. One by one, he would put his arms under our torsos and lift us up and 'propel' us to the bedroom, all while making plane sounds with his lips. Then he would land us in our beds (we all shared one bedroom), and put the covers over us. It was a lot of work for him but it got us in bed. It was so much fun for us, that we'd CALL for it. "Fly us to bed dad!"

The other story was sort of related. One night after going to bed, the three of us wouldn't stop talking - the downside of the three of us sharing a bedroom, we were all together. I think at the time we were maybe 5, 8 and 10.

Finally dad comes in, throws the door open and says "CUT THE BALONEY!"

He was mad, and Suz and I were silent. Then MB (my younger sister) says in this tiny pipsqueak voice:

"And EAT IT Dad! Cut the Baloney and eat it!"

No doubt we were a PITA, but sometimes it was hard to be mad at us, I guess.
I am so sorry for your loss. Your dad truly lived a full life. Thank you for sharing his story.