Google Earth and Map Thread

In the process of packing up my house as we speak. Moving into a rental in my neighborhood while we build a new house outside of Cashmere (down in the valley). I'll still be up by the ski area for 1 more season. We have been planning the move for a while, so it feels good to finally execute the plan. I moved here 10 years ago thinking that I needed to be as close to the ski area as possible (currently about 10 minutes). After having the experience, I have gained some wisdom.... snow removal on a Powder Day is a pain in the ass, and it doesn't matter how long you have to drive... there's always going to be a line-up on chair 1.

Old house marked in blue with ski area in the background:
View attachment 6207

Our new location is about the mid-point between Stevens and Mission. 35 Minutes to Mission. 45 minutes to Stevens.
Don't forget Leavenworth Ski Hill!!;)
I typically play around from the ground-level valley views... this morning, I have been snapping shots from ridge tops....this is a shot of Echo Valley from the top of the poma.