Finally Giving Up

Our band was called Free Drinks, no joke, which worked well because we mainly played the then-lucrative fraternity circuit in Boulder, mixed with occasional gigs at clubs and private parties. It was the early/mid 80s so our material was 2/3 danceable new wave covers (Talking Heads, The Police, Elvis Costello, X, Joe Jackson, Stray Cats, Plimsouls, etc.) and 1/3 mediocre original tunes.

Here's what my beloved G&L L-1000 looked like/bought at Onondaga Music in Armory Square Syracuse in 1981. Some claim that it's the best bass Leo Fender ever made. I brought it along to all the places I've lived: Denver, Albuquerque, Chicago, Montreal, Brooklyn, and New Jersey -- thus making it the longest relationship in my life.

I always wanted to be a rock star, like my golf game, I just lack the talent.
Do ya have any recordings?
We recorded some of our gigs on cassettes through the soundboard and listened to them at band practice but I never kept any of them. Normally, we played three sets a night, about 40 minutes each. The fun part was always the third set that was devoted to one artist -- an early version of a tribute band.