Dog Thread

We went on a big walk today, and Moira got to visit Utah's Rock for the first time. It is a special place in our little corner of the world, and named for her predecessor, who really appreciated the extra bit of elevation.

Moira on Utah rock.jpg

For context, here is the same rock with its namesake dawg.

utah on his rock.jpg
Cute dog bird. Are you able to let her wander off leash? She looks like she can run like the Dickens.
Cute dog bird. Are you able to let her wander off leash? She looks like she can run like the Dickens.
Yes, she can run. Most of the time she is the fastest dog in the dog park. As long as there is the possibility of encountering a deer, she is not off leash. I am pretty sure she would be be gone. We are working on it though, with some small improvements.