Crazy News

You see now I’d like to read the details of that one because I used to have a boss that badly abused his expense account with shit like that. I’m not so sure this guy shouldn’t have been canned

He would give his son pizza?

We had a partner like that too. He put $7000 into his car to fix it up (expensed it), then gave his son the car. Then bought himself a new car and expensed that too.

Almost every time he went to the gas station he gassed up two cars (expensed). Buying gas for his GF.

One time he took train ticket stubs off the ground (?) and submitted 4 round trips to NYC on the same day. Expensed.

^^Tip of the iceberg. It went on and on.
My old boss would fill up his car, go inside and buy a bunch of shitty convenience store food and feed it to his kids for dinner. Makes pizza look like health food
He would give his son pizza?

We had**a partner like that too. He put $7000 into his car to fix it up (expensed it), then gave his son the car. Then bought himself a new car and expensed that too.

Almost every time he went to the gas station he gassed up two cars (expensed). Buying gas for his GF.

One time he took train ticket stubs off the ground (?) and submitted 4 round trips to NYC on the same day. Expensed.

^^Tip of the iceberg. It went on and on.
**best word in that post.
**best word in that post.
Not sure if you are saying that you don't want to hear any more about it. If so, apologies for continuing.

His exit was borderline criminal.

Since the company was founded (1976) there has been an agreement about how stock would be valued for exiting partners. Every single partner had been bought out using this formula, known to accountants as "book value." Under that agreement that guy had acquired more than 80% of the company, at that favorable price.

When he decided it was time for him to retire, he said "I want 2x book value." Yeah you don't have give me 2x Book, but if you don't I'll stay, continue to draw a huge salary, do no work, and expense everything in sight.

My (other) partner and I weighed quitting the company and taking all the business with us, leaving him with nothing but sand slipping through his hands. The problem was that our biggest client had a contract with the company that could not be transferred to another company. So we'd be walking about from about 35% of our business.

It actually would have been fun to watch, because he'd be left with one huge piece of business and no employees, and no motivation to work. Ultimately we decided to pay, as his expenses and salary were more on a monthly basis than the buyout. In the end his kids got most of the money as he passed soon after he quit. (It was a 5 year payout).
Not sure if you are saying that you don't want to hear any more about it. If so, apologies for continuing
Hell, no. I'm never happy to hear about harm coming to someone (his death) but I'm glad you don't have to deal with that dirt bag.
Brothels across Nevada reopened for business and casino capacity on the Las Vegas Strip increased to 80%.
I can move their lol but I not
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