Bonneval sur Arc, FR: 03/09/23

Are the lodging options you found and used rigid on that Saturday to Saturday timeframe, or is it easy to go, say, Tuesday to the next Thursday and avoid traffic then?
As long as you avoid the two peak periods -- Xmas to New Year's and the Euro school holidays (first weekend of Feb to first weekend of March -- you can virtually make it up as you go along. On my recent trip, I booked my hotels (three different ones) via the morning I decided where I was going next.

Popular/chic hotels at mega resorts may require more advance notice and a Saturday to Saturday stay but to answer your question in bold above: in my experience, yes. During off-peak periods, they're generally trying to fill rooms and tend to follow the "a bird in the hand" mindset.

As far as traffic, I usually arrive on a Saturday morning into Zurich, Geneva, or Milan and leave the following Sunday and NEVER encounter congestion on roads/highways.