Big Snow TRs

BS 8/18/24

After Mrs SnoBunSki’s RC surgery in January she was apprehensive about getting back on the snow and I had picked up some new boots so suggested we take take a ride and do a few test runs on a muggy rainy Sunday afternoon at Big Snow.

After a few laps around the parking deck and a long steamy slog through a packed mall we got in the snow around 2:30.


Mrs S got into her groove right away and my boots didn’t kill me. It was my 3rd time there and the biggest crowd I have seen, maybe 5 minute lift line.


Between the slog back and forth and a few runs it was a great boot break in and the Mrs was relieved she could still ski, 2 hours is long enough lol. Special bonus, got to meet @MarzNC and some of her Ski Diva friends!
Special bonus, got to meet @MarzNC and some of her Ski Diva friends!
The irony is that my Diva friend from Boston thought she recognized Mrs SnoBunSki. That's what started a conversation when we were behind them in the lift line.

Getting to north Jersey to my motel on US17 proved a bit tricky because of flooded sections, even though I tried to wait until the worst of the rain was over. I'll post more tomorrow.
Stay safe down there. I've seen some awful videos of flooding in NJ.
Stay safe down there. I've seen some awful videos of flooding in NJ.
Just as well I stayed in northern NJ and spent the day around the Walkway Over The Hudson up by Poughkeepsie. By the time I drove south back to the motel, I missed the late afternoon showers.
Sunday, Aug. 18 was the first time I had a 6-pack, so I opted to do two sessions on the same day. Started the first one around 10:30 with my SkiDiva friend from Boston. She and I opted to sleep close enough to Big SNOW so that there was less of a drive on Sunday morning. After a break for a small lunch we were joined by another Diva from NYC. It was her first time. Happened to be behind @gorgonzola in the afternoon. He brought up NYSkiBlog, so I told him I was MarzNC.

The sale price for the 6-pack in early July was so good, I'm already past breakeven.

Even though there was a boarder park clinic and a large camp/school group during the afternoon session, the main runs were never too crowded. Per usual, snow stayed better under the poma lift that rarely runs. We met a couple from Westchester during the morning session who were experiencing Big SNOW for the first time. The woman is an instructor at a major resort in Vermont. They were impressed. Right around 11:45 the chairlift line was long for a few minutes, so we rode the magic carpet a couple times. I'm always interested in checking out Terrain Based Learning (R) features. Big SNOW has signs for Steps 1-5. Step 5 is the Perfect Slope, which is the lower section of the easier main slope.

I wore the right stuff to stay warm for two hours, so probably took more runs than I have during other sessions. Also had good company the entire time. That makes a big difference.

After finishing up, I spent some time wandering around American Dream. There is pretty good food in the food courts. The place was packed all afternoon. Heard several locals note that it was busier than usual. At some point in the afternoon, Lot A was full and closed off. People getting to Big SNOW around 4:00 had to walk a long way from where they could park. There was a basketball court set up on the ice skating rink for the Harlem Globetrotters.

About 12:30pm, Sunday, August 18
Fenced area close to the magic carpet is for tubing
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Snow fun for kids, with plastic slides
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Can get coffee, hot chocolate, etc. while on snow
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Runs off the chairlift are not for beginners, although there are always a few who try it any way
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Mr. and Mrs. @gorgonzola in the lift line
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Trio of Ski Divas on the chairlift, MarzNC in the red helmet
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