Belleayre Conditions

Just saw this re all future tickets and passes not yet sold:

Special Notes​

Staying Safe on the Mountain, It’s a shared responsibility – we’re in this together.

An important message from Belleayre, Gore, and Whiteface Mountains: during these unprecedented times, the health and safety of our staff and visitors is our leading priority. In turn, as our “peak” periods are upon us, we have paused the sale of lift tickets, passes, and snowsports products (except for private lessons). This will not impact advanced-purchases (IE e-tickets already purchased online), season passholders, or frequent ski cardholders who have already loaded tickets onto their RFID card. Only future sales are currently on hold.

We will continually evaluate the availability of dates for later this season. We know you want to visit, and that’s what we want too. When and if sales resume, we will be in touch with you! Be sure you are on our email list, so you are among the first to learn about inventory going back on sale.
Thank you for your interest in skiing and snowboarding with us. Our first priority is upon the continued health and safety of all guests and staff. We are looking forward to welcoming you back to Belleayre soon.
I'm a first time season pass holder. Usually go up to Gore, Whiteface, or Windham if going south. Never been to Belleayre. Do they tend to get as busy as Windham and Hunter? Either way looking forward to the weekend!
I have been a passholder at Belle+ski 3 past 4 or 5 seasons. This year I elected only Belle because the other two are not reasonably day tippable (did it once for the huge Gore storm last year, skied an awesome day, and then whitenuckle drive home).
Typically I would say Belle is less crowded than Hunter, but THIS SEASON IS A DIFFERENT BALL OF WAX - I don't know if past comparisons help. Belle is apparently - at this point- not requiring any reservation for season passes, or first day of Empire card; that could change.

I would guess that Belle will do a pretty good job (same for Gore/WF) re social distancing and limiting tickets because of the power of the state government, and the state government's view on COVID precautions. You have to weigh that versus the inability/handicap that public enterprises face in executing on anything.
Hit my first couple of laps today. I was told that they are sold out of Frequent Skier Cards, which @DomB alludes to upthread. So they're only selling season passes and day passes (in advance), I think.
I was at Gore last weekend. Gondola had lines as did the ADK express but it moved quickly. North Quad had no line at all. All in all it was a good day. Hoping Belleayre will be the same. I think limited passes being sold will really keep the lines down so I'm happy I chose this year to get a season pass. Not going to get to ski the freshies today or tomorrow but this snow isn't going anywhere. Stay safe everyone!
Maybe a dumb question - how soon after a storm this big do the roads going into Belleayre become safe enough to drive with a sedan? I'm planning on going either this weekend or Mon/Tues, and I can obtain an AWD car if I have to, but it's a hassle and I'm wondering how necessary it will be.
Maybe a dumb question - how soon after a storm this big do the roads going into Belleayre become safe enough to drive with a sedan? I'm planning on going either this weekend or Mon/Tues, and I can obtain an AWD car if I have to, but it's a hassle and I'm wondering how necessary it will be.
Prob clear by this evening if the snow stops.
With an always upset infant baby and an also always upset wife, I know this won't be an epic winter of storm chasing. Gone are the days when I could drop everything at a moment's notice and disappear to the mountains for 4 days. So although I've never been a huge Catskills skier, this storm presented a rare opportunity for me to get in some powder skiing at a day trip-able distance.

After scrambling yesterday to get my winter wheels on the Alltrack and the Thule box the roof, I got up at 6 AM today and was on the road shortly after 7. The AT did great but it was a white knuckle drive this morning - those trucks on 87 don't give you an ounce of room. I didn't roll into the Bell mid station parking lot until after 10:30.

I booted up in the car, threw my skis down on the green trail below the lot, and headed down to the Gondola. ... And of course it was broken ... A line had formed outside of the Gondy while the limited staff on hand dealt with some spacing issue. Luckily it only took 20 minutes (from when I arrived) for them to resolve it and up I finally went solidly after 11.

I was not expecting fresh tracks on this powder day seeing as I was coming from New Jersey, but I was actually surprised that I was still able to find some untouched pockets of snow between the cut-ups around the mountain; granted I had to sneak through woods for most of them. The only "officially" opened trails at the top were Seneca and Deer Run, but everyone was ducking Dot Nevel, and cutting over into Peekamose. Patrol had blocked off access to the rest of the mountain from the top, but I saw plenty of people ducking. I considered it, but I also considered this is the first day on my season pass, and only my second time skiing Belleayre and I didn't really know where I was going. I asked patrol why more of the mountain isn't open with 2 feet of pretty dense snow and they responded with "rocks". Sure some of the trails had some scratchy parts on them but most mountains would have opened them with some warning signs about natural obstacles. Patrol was way too conservative IMHO.

Overall it was a fun day and worth the drive. After my last trip to Bell which was a disaster, this did leave me with a better taste in my mouth of what that hill can be like with good snow and small crowds.

Took the attached photo at like 2 PM. Deep, not so much steep.

Oh and the roads were totally clear by the time I left to go home.


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I thought Belle was really nice today. Lasted until about three.

I've got some work to do to get in shape.

As always Belle has nice views...

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Dreamcatcher was too thin to do what we did in there. Sorry @Robert !

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