Belleayre Conditions

I'm also angling to try to get up there on Wednesday, maybe we can have an NYSkiBlog Bump Bash.
I'm jealous, those bumps on Wed should be great.
A mini?

I'll ski a bump. Although a tree would be my first choice.

Luke dude... come on man!
If anyone skis Belle Tues, be curious to know what time it softens up.
I got there at 2:30 for some late afternoon turns today. The top third or maybe half was edgeable but still firm on the trails I skied. Was only 42 degrees at the Tomahawk parking lot. Warmer temps tomorrow should improve things.
NWS calling for a low of 22 tonight, high of 53 tomorrow, full sun. Numbers for 2700 ft.
Thursday is probably a better day, if a mini-meet were to happen. No waiting for things to soften up. Just sayin’....