Belleayre Conditions

While Belleayre is also adding a restroom next to the new top gondola repair/ski patrol building, there is nothing in the UMP about adding a warming hut near this beginner conveyor lift at the top. The 'trail' is 112ft wide and 285ft in length with an 8% slope and right next to the topof the gondola. I wonder what they think is going to happen when the beginners/kids using this area need a warmup/food break/weather break? Back down the gondola? The only lodge at the top of Belleayre is the Sunset Lodge and that is about a flat 1/2 mile from the top of the gondola. Are they expecting beginners to pole 1/2 mile to the Sunset Lodge for an indoor break and, since there is no green trail down from the top, pole 1/2 mile back to take the gondola down ?

ORDA probably could have found a flat beginner area near the Overlook Lodge to serve the same purpose of having early season snowmaking for beginners.
Slide from ORDA board meeting of tippy top & new snow making line...

self explanatory
They should regrade either the existing learning area, or far looker's right in front of the Discovery Lodge. Then buy one of these ice machines. ORDA seems to have the money...

The old learning area was awesome (it is below where the medical hut is now). The 'problem' as I hear it was that you had to walk up that little hill to get to it. But I don't think that was too much of a problem for kids. My daughter did it just fine at like 2.5 with a bit of complaining. Great to get kids out earlier but with my two kids, the time below five is just for fun and joy (which is great).

I kind of think this gondola top area thing is going to make a lot of people unhappy, most especially the young parents who aren't hardcore who it is supposed to help.

I am pretty much going to be happy when I am on a mountain. I just see disaster coming from like 6 different angles.

Yes we are arm chair quarterbacks but I am still shocked that some things seem like so obviously a bad idea and get done haha.