Belleayre Conditions

Hero turns on groomers today. Sun in the morning then a cloudy afternoon with a few spits of snow. Warm temperatures consolidated yesterday’s powder on top of a supportive crust. Low angle trees were in play if you knew where to look. Lots of deadfall and stumps still not covered. Just one more storm will make it nicey nice. ROTD was Lower Yahoo. Love those natural trails, Cathedral and Utsayantha.
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Looks like Belle getting 10 more Saturday. Ski club is full but my son says he is game for sleeping in the rivian. Woot woot.
Fun day yesterday - groomers very soft right out of the gate. Spent most of the day with my daughter on the East side but hit Seneca and Dot later - both fun. Lower Yahoo was great and we had it to ourselves most of the time. Decent crowd for a Wednesday.

Fun day yesterday - groomers very soft right out of the gate. Spent most of the day with my daughter on the East side but hit Seneca and Dot later - both fun. Lower Yahoo was great and we had it to ourselves most of the time. Decent crowd for a Wednesday.

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Awesome. Remind me which is east and west? I get confused on that with Belle even with many days there. East is super chief and west is top of gondi?
At first chair, it was so foggy you could barely see an outstretched hand. The snow was wet and sticky, like Elmer's glue. I could never build up enough speed on the steeps to avoid having to skate on the blues and walk on the greens. But the woods and glades were more enjoyable for me, as an intermediate skier, since I never felt out of control.

Also, I'm not sure I've ever seen it so empty. When I left at about 11, there were only two other cars in the bridge parking lot.
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Awesome. Remind me which is east and west? I get confused on that with Belle even with many days there. East is super chief and west is top of gondi?

Mountains generally face north (Bromley excepted). This is especially true at Belle BTW.

Most often this means that skier's left is west and skier's right is east.
23-24 season passes go on sale March 8th. $389 for Belleayre limited, ski the remainder of this season too. $369 for renewal.
At first chair, it was so foggy you could barely see an outstretched hand. The snow was wet and sticky, like Elmer's glue. I could never build up enough speed on the steeps to avoid having to skate on the blues and walk on the greens. But the woods and glades were more enjoyable for me, as an intermediate skier, since I never felt out of control.

Also, I'm not sure I've ever seen it so empty. When I left at about 11, there were only two other cars in the bridge parking lot.
I’m heading up tomorrow. I’m expecting the complete opposite.
Belle 28 today - amazing morning for me. I know those conditions aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but I love it. Saw 4 or 5 guys skinning to the top. I’m so happy that Belle has opened that up as an option. There was a lot of debate today as to whether they would blow anymore. Time will tell I guess.
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