Are snow blades just really short skis?

I’m grasping at straws to justify a return trip to big snow
slalom skis, a few beers and hitting the park features does it for me :cool:

since I'm not hitting K I'm trying to decide if I want to do a May ski day at Big Snow or not.

If you do go post up when - it's way more fun with a group. Kind of reminds of Friday nights at the roller rink in middle school without the girls...
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Serious question. Somebody suggested that Big Snow in NJ might be more interesting if I taught myself a new discipline. I’m willing to give it a try but not willing to invest real money in a pair of snow blades. Soooo, if I pull the binding off some kid skis and redrill them to fit my boots, do I have a pair of snowblades? Any wrinkles to look out for? Center Mount maybe? Who is the snow blade expert here?
Don't listen to the haters, including me. Go big with lots of rocker and plenty underfoot.
get these if you go this route !


Here is an attestation of their speed and agility from gaper day 2021 (not me)
Those Bigfeet were rippers. No joke. Carving arcs a few years before the crazy Elans and the K2 Fours and other early shaped skis.
get these if you go this route !

View attachment 9377
Here is an attestation of their speed and agility from gaper day 2021 (not me)
There was a liftie at Alpine who rode these things exclusively when I worked there. There were lots of guys on tele gear there and an oddly significant mono board presence. This was before they allowed snowboards, which still cracks me up.