Adirondack Hermits


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2020
Thought I'd share this with you fine people. Most know my family has a deep rooted history in the Adirondack Mountains, more specifically Bakers Mills. My Mom was going through some "stuff" the other day and came across this book that Archie "Bobcat" Ranney had given her as a gift. Archie was a famous hermit in the Bakers Mills area, in fact he was my mom's neighbor. That should give you an idea as to how remote the area was she grew up in. My mom will tell you Archie was the one who taught her to read. Anyway, thought you might enjoy that tidbit as well as a couple of pictures.


I have a guidebook for the trails in Harriman/Bear Mountain that has a lot of history in it. Apparently the Harrimans didn’t kick all the people out of their homes when they bought up the land so there were multiple hermits in there that just kept on for decades after their communities were returned to nature. I find the whole concept fascinating
Me too.

If you haven't read "French Louie", I highly recommend it.
Same. That lifestyle is very interesting to me. One must be a hardy person to pull that off.

Another good book is Foxey Brown. He was a lesser known hermit but quite a character with an interesting story, to say the least.
Same. That lifestyle is very interesting to me. One must be a hardy person to pull that off.

Another good book is Foxey Brown. He was a lesser known hermit but quite a character with an interesting story, to say the least.
Camp, I bought the book at the “grocery” store in Spectacular. Dude who wrote it worked at Cortland State. Do ya know him? Great book especially if ya like hermits and their “stories”. I recently gave it to a friend from Piseco to read.
If interested he more recently wrote another book that I liked as well
