A quick upstate lap


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2020
I had some vacation days to burn before the end of the year so I decided to visit Junior at school. Last time I took the conventional route up through CNY to the Thruway. This time I decided to spend an extra couple minutes to drive through the Southern Tier.


The trip started on the Palisades Pkwy


up over rt 6 and down to 17


Orange County is pretty


I got off in Roscoe (exit 94) to fill up and buy a lotto ticket. I didn’t really need gas yet but I like Roscoe. It’s where I get off 17 when I take the superior “southern route” to Plattekill.



I kept going on 17.



I came across this place and was inspired to take a pic


Anyway, eventually I made it to Buffalo and delivered my load of supplies to Junior’s dorm. Then we decided to go explore a little since he had been mostly restricted to campus since we dropped him off in August.


We made our way to the waterfront and walked around a bit. That’s Canada over there I believe. We waved but nobody waved back. I thought Canadians were supposed to be nice. Oh well.


There is apparently some disagreement about who invented the Buffalo Wing. It’s supposedly either a place near the campus called Duff’s or this place The Anchor Bar. I tried the wings from Duff’s last time so on Wednesday we went to the original Anchor Bar (there are several locations now).


The wings were really really good. I don’t know who deserves credit for inventing hot wings but Duff’s is currently putting out a better product in my opinion.


Junior decided to hang out at the hotel Wednesday night so he could shower in his own bathroom and sleep in a more comfortable bed for one night. The next day, I got him a flu shot and brought him back to school. I was under orders to bring some Paula’s Doughnuts to Albany so that was next on my agenda.


Yeah, I’m not driving to Buffalo just for doughnuts any time soon but holy crap are these things good.


Their secret ingredient is love


I didn’t really take a ton of pics on the way from Buffalo to Albany. I did notice as I drove through the
at Rt 28 crosses under the Thruway in Herkimer. It made me think that maybe Herkimer might be the ideal place to live for a NY skier. There isn’t a mountain there of course but you can get to Plattekill, Gore, McCauley, Snow Ridge.... all in just a couple hours. Plus, I don’t know anybody in Herkimer, which makes me like the idea even more.

I had some stuff to drop off at my sisters’ and dad’s in addition to the doughnuts. I took care of everything. The Albany errands only took a couple hours and then I was back on 87 headed south. This is a road I drive constantly so not much to tell. I did spot this rig on the way so I grabbed a pic. Seems pretty dialed in to me.


The only thing I would change would be to throw a cap on the truck bed instead of that cargo box.
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SWEET shots!

Back when we regularly visited family in Rochester we always went via the southern tier. My dad would pick one of the lake shores to drive.

I want wings and a pic of the college boy!
SWEET shots!

Back when we regularly visited family in Rochester we always went via the southern tier. My dad would pick one of the lake shores to drive.

I want wings and a pic of the college boy!
College man
Cool report! Lucky kid, wings do look great but I had to zoom on the 2nd box of donuts, how many made the trip back? was a box for the road? Very productive trip
I had to zoom on the 2nd box of donuts, how many made the trip back?

As Admin I get every post in my email. I often see the posts before any typos are fixed.

The original post said:

"I had some stuff to drop off at my sisters’ in addition to the doughnut."

ROFLMAO, I was soooo ready to make hay with that one!
Always proofread. I ate another one before I left Albany. More bakeries should do peanut butter & jelly doughnuts
Always proofread. I ate another one before I left Albany. More bakeries should do peanut butter & jelly doughnuts
Nice work, way back I remember a place outside of Albany that used to sell peanut butter and jelly ice cream, I believe it was called Tollgate restaurant or something like that