Search results

  1. Yukon Cornelius

    Coronavirus and Skiing

    100% Vaccinated by Christmas. NO EXCUSES. Sorry, Dude. Had to do it! ? I actually agree with you... 100%.
  2. Yukon Cornelius

    Spring Weather 2021

    Absolutely POURING & rumbling thunder in Glens Falls right now. :confused:
  3. Yukon Cornelius

    The Importance (and Fun!) of a Quiver

    I'm finding I prefer one ski, even though I like having more. 88 is the new 100 for this guy!
  4. Yukon Cornelius

    How do I get the free ticket that goes with my ORDA pass?

    Just walk up to the services desk and ask. They will want some info (from the guest) for contact tracing.
  5. Yukon Cornelius

    Whiteface Conditions

    Hoping we avoid more sleet/freezing rain tonight. Snow combined with visibility was tough, but you could make some fun turns in it. Hoping they groom like hell tonight before the sun comes out tomorrow. I am sore!
  6. Yukon Cornelius

    How long can you go

    I'm just starting out a 9 day run. Gore Sat, WF Sun, WF Today...
  7. Yukon Cornelius

    West Mountain Conditions

    The edit helped...a little. :LOL:
  8. Yukon Cornelius

    West Mountain Conditions

    They brought in Bills RB Devon Singletary to announce something called the Tuberbowl for 2022. Apparently it involves tubing and the Super Bowl, but that's more information than they gave at the actual press conference. Let's just say that the whole thing fell pretty flat. ?‍♂️
  9. Yukon Cornelius

    West Mountain Conditions

    Tuberbowl apparently? That was extremely awkward. :oops:
  10. Yukon Cornelius

    Best Ski Videos

  11. Yukon Cornelius

    Whiteface Conditions

    Glad to hear it. We're headed up for Prez Week.
  12. Yukon Cornelius

    West Mountain Conditions

    Audacity. ? Dude. Get used to it. They change openings and closings of lifts and trails constantly, pull advertised "specials" and block off huge chunks of the mountain for races etc. It's how they operate. I'd recommend going on Mon or Tues for $30 or hitting the breakfast or lunch special on...
  13. Yukon Cornelius

    West Mountain Conditions

    I'm in the dark here, but would anticipate either a race or some kind of moguls competition with the new freestyle team.
  14. Yukon Cornelius

    Whiteface Conditions

    Trusting the snow report can be dicey. Appreciate the input, fellas.
  15. Yukon Cornelius

    Whiteface Conditions

    Anyone know if they’re working on getting the Lookout area (Hoyt’s, Lookout Below, Wilmington) opened up?
  16. Yukon Cornelius

    Hometown USA: Glens Falls, NY

    All of the above. Moreau Park was my front yard growing up and I now live within walking distance of the river. Moreau Park just expanded to include the mountain and river on one side of my neighborhood and the land along the river on the other side. There is talk of making a series of trails...
  17. Yukon Cornelius

    Hometown USA: Glens Falls, NY

    The most common sales point you'll hear about Glens Falls, is it's proximity to places people would rather visit. "Right between Lake George & Saratoga", "3.5 hours to NYC, Boston & Montreal", and "45 minutes to Gore, 1.5 hours to Whiteface & Killington".
  18. Yukon Cornelius

    West Mountain Conditions

    Not sure. The guns have been going continuously when I’ve dropped off or picked up my kids, but it doesn’t seem like much is open. I may think twice about the times we allow them to ski there based on what I saw last night. I originally posted a pic, but I’d rather not potentially hurt a small...
  19. Yukon Cornelius

    West Mountain Conditions

    The line for the summit chair was insanely crowded last night. I hope they correct their procedures ASAP.
  20. Yukon Cornelius

    Dark Side Liftline Photos

    I think it's the additional traffic. The constant stopping also resulted in giant piles of sugary snow and slick spots at that intersection. The cloud "corner" had pileup after pileup this weekend.