Michigan Conditions

Looks great!

Ironically, I've been more bundled up against the cold this week in VA and WV than I did last January in Michigan. Skied at Timberline and Canaan Valley while staying near by since Sunday. It was 9 degrees when I pulled into the parking lot at CV this morning. Yesterday with the wind blowing at Timberline in the afternoon felt pretty cold too. Helps that there is a high-speed lift there now. The CV lift to the top takes 12 minutes . . . old fixed grip quad.
After the best snow in a couple of seasons last week, the warm air came in in Friday and Saturday and then a hard freeze on Sunday with a high of 9 degrees lest very firm snow. But a little help was coming at the end of the day Under the snow squall is Crystal Mtn about 25 miles away to the northwest of Caberfae Peaks.
Snow squall.jpg
On Sunday I wasn’t sure what Caberfae Peaks would be like after a brief warm up and refreeze. Well it was firm in the morning and got real nice with the afternoon sun. You can also see when new trails will take shape in the next few years in the first pic.




