Whiteface Conditions

No local intel and by no means a slides expert so definitely take this with a grain of salt, but just based upon how the slides looked from the lift yesterday I'd be surprised if they are open any time soon. In terms of conditions, I was there the last 3 days. Lower half of the mountain Wed./Thurs with the kids, and then the rest of the mountain for a 1/2 day yesterday. Lower mountain was all in really good condition. The upper mountain was on wind hold the first couple hours yesterday and I had to be off the mountain by 12:30 so couldn't get in as many runs off the upper parts of the mountain as I wanted and so don't have as much info on the runs off the summit or LWF. We did one run off the summit with skyward to lower skyward and it was fun, but pretty firm / frozen at the time we hit it. Apparently Parons was better, but we didn't ski it. On Lookout, Hoyts and Lookout Below were both closed when we were there, but Wilmington Trail skid really well, especially the lower 2/3 of the trail. Mountain run was also really fun, as were the runs off Approach. Overall, conditions were really good, but higher up just a bit more variable. It was very cold and windy yesterday, and I think Sunday and Monday things will soften up a bit and you should be in for some even better conditions.
What a day. Dare I say epic? Mini sleeper pow day. Viz was a challenge up top at times. 2-3" up top overnight over cord on most trails. Very light crowd.

I'm not going to go blow by blow as I skiied my ass off today and don't feel like writing it all out. I'll just share highlights:

Wind loaded Northway to start

Wind loaded sides of Skyward for a few laps. Would be a ROTD candidate but the viz was near 0 coming down the headwall. I enjoy flying IFR (instrument flight rules) for the challenge. I don't enjoy skiing IFR...

Cloudspin! Trail ROTD and one of my favorite trails. Was excellent around the rock piles in the center per usual. Many many laps. Viz was fine thanks to the rocks and trees.

Finally got to ski Rand's Last Stand and Sugar Valley. Never have been open in prior trips to WF. Rand's had great snow but dang is it tight. A little too tight for my liking. Sugar Valley was awesome and I especially loved the part of it up top that were steep chutes. Reminded me of Rumble at Sugarbush which I love. Both are loaded with soft snow and great coverage.

Empire! Another or my favorites. Great snow and bumps. Rocks (there always are) but very few.

Cloudsplitter Glades to High Country glades. Glade ROTD. Excellent soft snow and coverage, some nice moguls.

I've hit the lottery at WF this year as every day I've come has had excellent conditions and now had two sleeper fresh snow days with very light crowds. Short day tomorrow as I'll be driving home but very much looking forward to it. This plus a stellar Gore yesterday, another amazing weekend. What a season this has been and continues to be...


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Another good one today. Short report as it was a shorter day but very quiet and everything skiied great. Viz was a little better too, especially on Skyward which was groomed to perfection.

When I left around 1 everything below mid had turned to melted chunky snow. Not quite corn. Not quite slop. Not quite snow either. Spring is starting to appear... and so is that strong sun...thermometer was 40 in my car when I left the parking lot under sunny skies except for the very top.