ICE v Electric: Cost and Emissions

Level 2 chargers can be great, just need them in the right place. Just last week used the L2 at a hotel in Lake George before going to Gore and that was my only charging on the trip. When going to Killington, I charge using the L2 at the mountain and it is great. Both are free, btw.

I bought a J3400 (NACS) adapter, but try to avoid using the Telsa chargers whenever possible for obvious reasons. Luckily, NY has pretty solid charging options along the Thruway/Northway. EA/EV Connect/Applegreen/Rivian/etc and my new favorite is the L3 ChargePoint at Alltown Fresh on Rt9 in Fort Edward for a great snack stop.
Geez to think where we would be if we put the effort behind a proven producer,Tesla. A lot more ev's would be sold.
+1. Biden snubbed Elon Musk in 2021 by not inviting him to a clean energy conference while praising GM, which at that time had sold fewer EVs in its history than Tesla was selling every month. This was because Biden is beholden to the UAW.

Since Elon is an emotional adolescent, he has never forgiven the Democrats and this was the turning point in his now toxic political trajectory. It’s hard to remember now that Elon liked and supported Obama.

Biden’s anti-Tesla mindset led to EV fast charging regulations in the Inflation Reduction Act favoring the clunky CCS1 standard instead of Tesla’s NACS. But as noted the CCS1 chargers from Electrify America, EVGo etc. were rolled out slowly and were notoriously unreliable.

This situation was a huge deterrent to sales of non-Tesla EVs. So Ford cut a deal with Tesla in May 2023 where Ford agreed to adopt Tesla’s NACS charging port starting in 2025 and Tesla would allow earlier Fords to use Tesla superchargers with an adapter. Within 6 months all the other EV manufacturers cut similar deals as Ford.

So within a few years nearly all fast charging in the US will be at Tesla superchargers or at other chargers compatible with the NACS charging port.
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Level 2 chargers can be great, just need them in the right place.
That generally means overnight hotels. I have only done this ~5x despite driving Teslas since 2016, with extensive road trips including 8,000 miles circuitously round trip between SoCal and Florida in summer 2020.

Hotels with L2 chargers tend to be more expensive and constrain one’s choices. I did not order my first Tesla until fall 2015 because that’s when I knew there would be a supercharger in Mammoth.
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+1. Biden snubbed Elon Musk in 2021 by not inviting him to a clean energy conference while praising GM, which at that time had sold fewer EVs in its history than Tesla was selling every month. This was because Biden is beholden to the UAW.

Since Elon is an emotional adolescent, he has never forgiven the Democrats and this was the turning point in his now toxic political trajectory. It’s hard to remember now that Elon liked and supported Obama.

Biden’s anti-Tesla mindset led to EV fast charging regulations in the Inflation Reduction Act favoring the clunky CCS1 standard instead of Tesla’s NACS. But as noted the CCS1 chargers from Electrify America, EVGo etc. were rolled out slowly and were notoriously unreliable.

This situation was a huge deterrent to sales of non-Tesla EVs. So Ford cut a deal with Tesla in May 2023 where Ford agreed to adopt Tesla’s NACS charging port starting in 2025 and Tesla would allow earlier Fords to use Tesla superchargers with an adapter. Within 6 months all the other EV manufacturers cut similar deals as Ford.

So within a few years nearly all fast charging in the US will be at Tesla superchargers or at other chargers compatible with the NACS charging port.
I remember thinking when Biden had GM in, how could you have them in when Musk is basically the reason there are mass-produced EVs? I didn't stop to make the Musk hating Dems inference because of that, but it seems plausible. Sheesh.
Has anybody mentioned that Plattekill has a couple chargers now?
We took a family road trip up to the Cats this past weekend and took both cars, including the Tesla. The Platty chargers were huge. They aren't full level 2 as they are limited to 30 amps, but between the Platty chargers, trickle charging at the airbnb, and a few hours charging in Fleischmans we were able to do the trip without needing to spend 30 minutes SuperCharging in Kingston.

Only issue is that there is no cell service by the chargers which you need to connect to the app. My wife didn't know to connect to the Platty Wifi and threw up her hands and said it didn't work. Had to trudge down in ski boots to connect it. Side note, I really really really wish these things just let you swipe a credit card without having to fumble with an app.

Overall I'm not NGL, if you don't have access to a Level 2 charger where you are staying it definitely adds hassle to take an EV to that area. I left Maplewood at 90% and arrived at 23% in 10s and single digit temps with snow on the roads from Highmont on. That's not horrible, but that's without snow tires or the ski box. Add those and you'd probably be looking at 80-90% of the battery to get up which isn't great if you are doing it every weekend.
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Rivian’s head honcho gave an interview recently.
Said he enjoyed a customer’s feedback by someone who got back into skiing cause of their Rivian.